All trains and stations are handicapped accessible. More information on the location of elevators within the station can be found here.
View the current status of all elevators at CTrail Shore Line East and CTrail Hartford Line stations here.
CTrail Shore Line East bus substitutions will pick up and drop off passengers outside the western portion of the train station. There are three parking spots designated for CTrail Shore Line East buses near the Peter Pan and Greyhound bus bays.
You can check the status of trains departing Union Station New Haven, New London, and Old Saybrook with
3 easy steps:
Paid parking is offered 24 hours at Union Station’s parking garage. Please get in touch with the New Haven Parking Authority at (203) 946-8936 for general information and parking rates. Overflow parking is available at the Coliseum Parking Lot and Temple Street Garage. Additional garage parking is available directly across Union Avenue.
CTtransit serves Union Station with several routes:
View information for the Union Station shuttle and New Haven Connector Downtown Loop.